lease accounting

The lessee is required to perform a present value calculation of future expected lease payments to establish the lease liability and the related ROU asset. Accounting for leases classified as operating leases is affected the most, as leases classified as capital leases were already recognized on the balance sheet under ASC 840. ASC 842 is effective for nonpublic entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021, and December 15, 2019, for publicly-traded companies.

The basis for conclusions to IFRS 16 (BC205D(c)) indicates that a three-month rent holiday together with a three-month lease extension to make up the lost rent would not constitute a substantive change to the lease. Conversely, a rent-free period granted in exchange for a significant extension of the lease term may constitute a substantive change. This post is published to spread the love of GAAP and provided for informational purposes only. In addition, we take no responsibility for updating old posts, but may do so from time to time. Having a software to maintain compliance and keep up with day two lease accounting can help your team be more efficient and have a smoother close process. The same goes for choosing to use lease management software that was not originally architected for accounting compliance.

Disadvantages of leasing

Under IFRS 16, rent concessions often meet the definition of a lease modification because there is a rent reduction or other change in scope (e.g. a lease extension that accompanies a rent deferral). These modifications will typically not qualify as separate leases because they are changes to an existing right of use – e.g. a rent reduction for a building currently being leased. IFRS 16 amendments provide relief to lessees in accounting for rent concessions.

lease accounting

In the remainder of this blog post, I am going to introduce our accounting for leases training courses. Initially, the effective date of ASC 842 for non-public business entities was January 1, 2020, but last year, the FASB pushed back the effective date to January 1, 2021. Departments responsible for procurement will not typically have a comprehensive understanding to know whether the contract includes any assets that qualify as an embedded lease.

IASB issues new leasing standard

ASC 842 is effective for the annual reporting periods of private companies and nonprofit organizations beginning after December 15, 2021. This means many private companies and non-profit organizations are working through the transition for the 2022 year-end. ASC 842 defines leases as contracts, or portions of contracts, granting “control” of an identifiable asset for a specific period of time in exchange for payment. To demonstrate control of an asset, a business entity must be able to obtain “substantially all” of the economic benefit from the asset’s use and direct its use throughout the period of the contract. On January 12, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board issued its much-anticipated leases standard, IFRS 16. The standard will require all leases to be reported on a company’s balance sheets as assets and liabilities.

  • Alternatively, IFRS 16 removes the operating lease classification and requires that all lessee leases be treated as finance leases.
  • Despite the Boards’ efforts to streamline lease accounting with the convergence  of these new standards, some major differences between the two standards emerged.
  • Finding software that assures controls and calculations can provide additional trust in the accuracy of your financials.
  • However, for compliance with the new leasing standards, Excel simply won’t cut it.

For GASB specifically, lessors will mirror the accounting on the lessee side, recognizing a lease receivable and deferred inflow of resources. ASC 842 offers practical expedients that can be elected by certain entities or in certain arrangements. For a comprehensive discussion of the lease accounting guidance in ASC 842, see Deloitte’s Roadmap Leases. The COVID-19 pandemic ignited a shift in how entities in almost every industry sector are doing business. Many entities are reevaluating where their employees conduct their required business activities and to what extent they will rely on the use of brick-and-mortar real estate assets on a go-forward basis.

The accounting implications of real estate rationalization

Ideally, this central repository will provide access to the document, amortization schedules, critical date alerts, journal entries, and footnote disclosures all at once. Lessors under GASB 87 record a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources at the commencement of the lease term. As with the lease liability for a lessee, the lease receivable is calculated as the present value of the lease receipts expected during the lease term. The deferred inflow of resources is equal to the lease receivable with a few minor adjustments and is similar to deferred revenue. If the seller-lessee has a substantive option to repurchase an underlying asset that is not real estate, the transfer may qualify as a sale under certain circumstances. Expanding on the discussion above, here is what we see as the top 10 differences in lessee accounting under IFRS Standards and US GAAP.

  • This was because lessees with operating leases would only recognize an expense over the lease term with limited balance sheet impact.
  • Straight-line depreciation expense must be recorded for the equipment that is leased.
  • Lessees and lessors have the option to elect a package of practical expedients to aid in the adoption of the new standard, in which the lessor is not required to reassess lease classification.
  • In a sale-leaseback transaction, the lessee sells the asset to the buyer/lessor and enters into an agreement to lease the asset back from the buyer/lessor.
  • In considering whether a change is substantive, a lessee needs to consider the contract combination guidance in IFRS 16 if there have been other changes to the lease negotiated at or around the same time.

Modification accounting can be operationally burdensome, especially for companies with large lease portfolios that may, in the COVID-19 context, have a large volume of concessions. COVID-19 has driven many lessees Top 15 Bookkeeping Software for Startups to seek rent concessions from lessors, including deferral or waivers of rent. In response, IFRS 161 was amended in May 2020 to provide relief on the accounting for COVID-19 related rent concessions for lessees.


If the lease term is equal to or less than 12 months, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) doesn’t require their inclusion on the balance sheet. New lease accounting standards could impact balance sheets and financial reporting, and present implementation challenges. In addition, the impacts of COVID-19 on lease accounting are not limited to rent concessions. For example, judgments and expectations may have to be reassessed in areas like lease renewal, termination and purchase options. Lessees may have to focus on the impairment analysis for right-of-use assets and lessors may have to consider the recoverability of lease receivables and impairment of their underlying assets. The objective of IAS 17 (1997) is to prescribe, for lessees and lessors, the appropriate accounting policies and disclosures to apply in relation to finance and operating leases.

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